Owning Your Value

Wow!!! Just hearing that can send you into gridlock.

How do I own my value and what does this even mean?

Here’s my personal take on Owning Your Value:

We often go through life not giving a lot of credence or weight to the many things that we do well or give ourselves credit for what we’re good at. I know this is true for me, until I actually sit down and take stock of all I’ve learned over the years I’ve spent navigating through Corporate America as an employee, a manager, a business owner and navigating through life in general as a partner, a parent, a sibling, a friend, a daughter, a pet owner and more.

What do I do well in each of these areas of my life?

I think you’ll be amazed to find that you don’t really Own these things for yourself. That’s why it’s good to write them down and take some time with them. When you do this, you begin to discover more of the best aspects of who you are and then you can own these and truly begin to integrate them into your being.

I think you’ll also be amazed at how resistance can rear it’s head. As you do this exercise, take note of the self-talk… the Bully… in particular.

  • “You can’t write that down.”
  • “You’re being arrogant.”
  • “Who do you think you are?”

If anything like this comes up for you, it’s your roadmap as to what to tap on.

“Even though I have this voice that’s telling me I’m being arrogant writing down all that I do well, I chose to love and accept myself anyway.” Something like this.

Once you tap through your resistance, you can continue on and keep writing. It’s a win-win either way. If you flow through this exercise, with minimal resistance, that’s awesome. If you find resistance pop up, know you know what to tap on.

Just remember… it’s a win either way!!! Always look for the win!!!

Download The Bully In Your Brain – Owning Your Value Worksheet

Please note: Take responsibility for yourself as you tap along with the video, strong emotions can occur. If this happens, it’s important to keep tapping until any emotional charge has subsided.

Marti Murphy