Personal Assessment

“Most men live lives of quiet desperation.”Emerson

Taking a Personal Assessment can feel scary. The idea behind it, is to create an overview of where you’re at now and where you’d like to be.

This poses the following questions:

“If things stay exactly the same for me, as they are right now, how will I feel about that, 6 months, 1 year or 5 years down the line?”

If you’re life’s not where you’d like it to be, this questioning might feel depressing, but the intention is to get you in touch with the desire to truly effect change in your life.

I used to hate these questions. I mean really hate it, because I hated how I felt when I answered them. My life, particularly professionally, was no where near where I wanted it to be. Serious Bummer!

The problem was, I had no tools in place that could help me to overcome this quietly desperate feeling I had.

Discovering Tapping was liberating, because questions like these no longer depressed me. In fact, I began to see that what were once potential depression producing questions, now became my roadmap for what I needed work on.

I began to welcome this information because I discovered the limiting beliefs that were standing in my way of living my life to the fullest.

You can’t improve what you’re not aware of.

With this information I could finally do something with it, because of my awareness and begin to gain traction moving forward, where I hadn’t been able to before.

I could finally begin to set myself free. Hallelujah!

A tapping script is included in this video to assist you in proceeding with your personal assessment so you too can begin to set yourself free.

Download Take the big Leap – Personal Assessment

Please note:Take responsibility for yourself as you tap along with the video, strong emotions can occur. If this happens, it’s important to keep tapping until any emotional charge has subsided.