Forbidden Emotions – Give Them Full Flower

I spent most of my life denying many of my emotions. Half the time I couldn’t even name them. Again with the deer in headlights look. I think this became something of a trademark of mine. The stunned look.

I believe that most of us have dubbed certain emotions as off-limits. Here’s a few: anger/rage, despair, jealousy/envy, fear, shame, insecurity, betrayal and even joy.

Forbidden Emotions – Give Them Full Flower

I see this all the time in my work. It’s amazing how many of us feel guilty or think it’s wrong to feel anger towards someone else, particularly a parent or child. It’s not the anger itself that’s a problem. That’s just an emotion. It’s what we do with that anger or emotion that can end up making us feel bad. Feelings are just feelings. Neither good no bad. When we allow them to flow through us, unencumbered, they move through us rather quickly. It’s when we lay judgements on them, deny them or try NOT to feel them that they seem to take on a life of their own.

You have a feeling, anger, come over us and you may have perfected pushing it down. The problem is, this emotion gets stuck in us and eventually it’s going to rear it’s head.

I’ll give an example with anger. Say someone does something and you end up feeling really angry at them. I’d venture, a semi-educated, guess that if you pay very close attention you’ll find a voice in your head that tells you either you shouldn’t feel the way you do or you come up with an excuse for them, too quickly, yet below the surface you’re seething. This is the part that needs to be attended to. You attend to this part, by owning it and tapping through it. If you don’t attend to, that anger is going to come out at some point, in some way and you’ll likely end up feeling worse about yourself.

If you deal with the feeling head on, you can have an entirely different and healthier outcome for all people involved and you get to keep your self esteem in tact. Big Bonus.

I’m a lover of Rant Tapping for this reason. Having grown up with a War Veteran that had PTSD, there was a lot of anger/rage in my home and this was instilled in me and I’ve found the healthiest, most effective way to deal with this anger/rage is through Rant Tapping. It allows me to have my feelings and deal directly with them in a way that no one gets hurt and I get to set myself free. You just tap through the tapping points and act like the person is there “tell the person or event” everything you’d like to say, as if you telling them off but you tap while you do it.

It’s can be so liberating to finally allow yourself to have and feel ALL of my feelings and not put limits on what’s acceptable and what’s not. The requirement, is you need to tap and you need to do this with a skilled EFT Practitioner or privately on your own. Again, I’m not suggesting that you go up to someone you feel has offended you and go crazy on them. I’m suggesting you do that for yourself and then we you are with this person the likelihood that you handle it more effectively is tremendous. Don’t just take my word for it though. Test drive this yourself and see what you think.

Tap along with the video if you’re so inclined.
Here’s the Feeling ALL Your Feelings!!
