The Lap of Luxury

Give me the luxuries of life and I will willingly do without the necessities.
~ Frank Lloyd Wright

  • What comes up for you when you hear the word Luxury?
  • Do you find you have a lot of judgements around it?
  • Do you believe it’s something that’s out of reach for you?

Here’s a definition of Luxury:

A material object, service, etc., conducive to sumptuous living, usually a delicacy, elegance, or refinement of living rather than a necessity.

The Lap of Luxury

Consider saying “Yes” to yourself by saying “Yes” to Luxury?

I invite you to consider the idea that saying yes to luxury is in fact saying yes to yourself. It’s a way of saying, I’m worth it. I deserve the best.

I believe Luxury is a practice for many of us. If you really think about it, Luxury inherently has a nurturing quality to it. The challenge for many of us is that allowing for Luxury in our life can have a negative connotation to it. It’s gets wrapped up in all the negative programming around money and wealth and being rich.

I once heard an interview with Wynona Judd and she said, “Money gives you choices.” I loved. It’s so true.

With money you can choose luxury. With money you can also choose to donate to your favorite charity or cause. How great would it be to write a big fat check to a charity that means a lot to you and give it freely?

In order to step into this, it’s essential to learn to give to yourself first. It’s counter intuitive to what is taught. So when you practice allowing for luxury in your life, your essentially raising your vibration and thus raising your ability to receive more abundance into your life.

If you were given the choice to live in luxury or in poverty which would you choose?

I know for myself. I have tended to settle in my life and at various times finding myself living in survival mode. Imagine the energy surrounding survival mode. There’s certainly a huge element of desperation attached to survival. If desperation is a fairly constant companion, your creative mind gets blocked out.

Think about the energy around luxury. There’s a huge element of nurturance in it.

I know I spent most of my life in a very driven state of being and I ended up burned out. It’s a work in progress for me, but as I practice stepping more fully into little daily luxuries, I see my life transforming in so many ways. I’m learning to relax more and drive myself less. I’m learning to actually receive. Without being able to receive, expansion is impossible.

If you want to expand your life in any way, I invite you try on a little more luxury in your life. Whatever luxury level your at now try on stretching a bit and moving towards more luxury in your life.

If this peaks your interest at all, I expand on this in the attached video and include a tapping sequence.

So if you want to begin the practice of luxury, I invite you to watch the attached video. I have a practice for you, to try out, should you chose to accept it.

Leap into the Lap of Luxury!