Category: Newsletters

The Magic of Doing What You Love

I spent decades in Corporate America playing the game and though I did well in that arena and learned how to navigate through it, I always felt there was something else I should be doing. From this place, I tried a myriad of “outside interests”, like Travel School, Photography (which I still love), screenwriting (I wrote a screenplay once and… Read more »

I’m Soooo Stuck

Have you ever said this to yourself? I’m soooo stuck or some variation of this statement. The key to getting unstuck in anything is to first and foremost learn to foster self-acceptance. But how do you awaken to the ways you don’t accept yourself. Notice the self talk (self judgment) that is behind your statements of stuckness. For example, if… Read more »

Are You Better at DOing or BEing?

How to Find Balance Having worked in Corporate America for 30+ years, I’ve got the Doing piece down rather well. If something needs to get done, I tend to “Just Do It.” (Thanks Nike!) My challenge is to BE more. The first time I had a coach recommend that I take 10 minutes a day and sit out in nature… Read more »

The 2 Deadliest Words

When I was told these two words, it really made me think. I was astonished at how this change my perception. Do you want to know what the two deadliest words are and I’ll add that these two words cut you off from your ability to receive, because when we say them, they close off possibility for us? Drum Roll… Read more »

Learn the #1 Reason You Stay Stuck

Begin to Free Yourself to Live Your Dreams Do you find yourself in work that you know doesn’t serve you? Do you find that your life isn’t where you’d like it to be? Do you know you want things to be different, to be better, but you don’t know how to get lasting positive traction? Would you like to move… Read more »

Worrying Is Productive

What’s the likelihood that worrying could actually be productive? It’s highly likely you’ve worried before and probably will again. It seems to be a by product of early childhood conditioning for many of us. Some of us carry around more of it than others from our early conditioning. (I’m raising my hand.) My last name was Wortman and one of… Read more »

Those Pesky Little Buggers

How to Deal with the Thoughts that Lead to Self Sabotage Tapping has changed my life in so many ways. When I think back to 4 years ago and where I was at emotionally and mentally and the state of affairs in my life, I can really see the changes. I felt pretty emotionally bankrupt and I was sick and… Read more »

Right Here, Right Now

For a long time, the idea of “being in the moment” eluded me. I understood it intellectually. “This moment here and now is all we have.” Right Here, Right Now For a long time, the idea of “being in the moment” eluded me. I understood it intellectually. “This moment here and now is all we have.” “When we’re in the… Read more »

The Lap of Luxury

Give me the luxuries of life and I will willingly do without the necessities. ~ Frank Lloyd Wright What comes up for you when you hear the word Luxury? Do you find you have a lot of judgements around it? Do you believe it’s something that’s out of reach for you? Here’s a definition of Luxury: A material object, service,… Read more »

Forbidden Emotions – Give Them Full Flower

I spent most of my life denying many of my emotions. Half the time I couldn’t even name them. Again with the deer in headlights look. I think this became something of a trademark of mine. The stunned look. I believe that most of us have dubbed certain emotions as off-limits. Here’s a few: anger/rage, despair, jealousy/envy, fear, shame, insecurity,… Read more »

Have fun now!!! Define Fun!!!

In the flurry of every day life, it can be very challenging to remember to have fun. This is a conversation I’ve had on more than one occasion. I was asked during one of these conversations what things I do to have fun and if I had a video of myself when I was asked that, I suspect I looked… Read more »

Why Self Acceptance Is So Important?

Acceptance is the first step. When I first heard this statement, I have to admit I rolled my eyes on more than one occasion. “Really?!?!! Don’t you think I’d accept myself if I knew how?” This was what I said under my breath. Let me take this further and say that on really special days, depending on my mood, I’d… Read more »

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