
Are You Expanding or Contracting?

How to Find Balance I believe you could have an amazing life, if in any and all situations in life, you’d asked yourself the following question. Am I expanding or contracting in this? Here’s an example: You look around your office and see that it’s cluttered. You know you “should” declutter your office. You look at it and it doesn’t… Read more »

I’m Flipping Tables Over

What a relief! I found myself in a funk recently and really didn’t want to be there and yet felt stuck. What I quickly realized is that I was trying to get myself from funk to fantastic and it was too big of a jump for me. I was tapping on what I was feeling and suddenly (as can happen… Read more »

HELP!!! I’m hitting the panic button

Have you ever hit the panic button? Do you ever get mad at yourself for panicking? Have you ever considered this is a way you learned to keep yourself safe? I think I’ve only said this about a hundred times before, but the more I do this work, the more I realize it’s all about self acceptance… of all of… Read more »

Ugh! I’m Playing It Safe Again!!!

If you’ve ever found yourself “playing it safe” and then found you’re disgruntled about this or find yourself comparing yourself to the risk-takers in the world, the attached tapping video is intended to assist you in releasing the stress that gets created when you either compare yourself to others, or tell yourself you should be more of a risk taker.… Read more »

Please Don’t Tell Me I Attracted This

I’m a firm believer in Law of Attraction. I also believe that what shows up in my life I’ve attracted either through conscious thought or by default. When I was first discovering the Law of Attraction, it was fascinating, yet I found a part of me using it in the same way I had used the guilt from religious upbringing.… Read more »

How to “Snap Out of It” …Gently!!

Do you ever get into an emotional space that you don’t want to be in and you find yourself saying some variation of, “Snap out of it.” I love the movie Moonstruck and the scene when Nicholas Cage’s character tells Cher’s character that he’s in love with her and she slaps him twice and tells him to “Snap out of… Read more »

The Magic of Doing What You Love

I spent decades in Corporate America playing the game and though I did well in that arena and learned how to navigate through it, I always felt there was something else I should be doing. From this place, I tried a myriad of “outside interests”, like Travel School, Photography (which I still love), screenwriting (I wrote a screenplay once and… Read more »

I’m Soooo Stuck

Have you ever said this to yourself? I’m soooo stuck or some variation of this statement. The key to getting unstuck in anything is to first and foremost learn to foster self-acceptance. But how do you awaken to the ways you don’t accept yourself. Notice the self talk (self judgment) that is behind your statements of stuckness. For example, if… Read more »

Are You Better at DOing or BEing?

How to Find Balance Having worked in Corporate America for 30+ years, I’ve got the Doing piece down rather well. If something needs to get done, I tend to “Just Do It.” (Thanks Nike!) My challenge is to BE more. The first time I had a coach recommend that I take 10 minutes a day and sit out in nature… Read more »

The 2 Deadliest Words

When I was told these two words, it really made me think. I was astonished at how this change my perception. Do you want to know what the two deadliest words are and I’ll add that these two words cut you off from your ability to receive, because when we say them, they close off possibility for us? Drum Roll… Read more »

Learn the #1 Reason You Stay Stuck

Begin to Free Yourself to Live Your Dreams Do you find yourself in work that you know doesn’t serve you? Do you find that your life isn’t where you’d like it to be? Do you know you want things to be different, to be better, but you don’t know how to get lasting positive traction? Would you like to move… Read more »

Worrying Is Productive

What’s the likelihood that worrying could actually be productive? It’s highly likely you’ve worried before and probably will again. It seems to be a by product of early childhood conditioning for many of us. Some of us carry around more of it than others from our early conditioning. (I’m raising my hand.) My last name was Wortman and one of… Read more »

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