Nothing Good Will Last – A Vow

We make unconscious vows at critical moments in our life. I like to call them Defining Moments. These are moments of impact for us. What I mean by this, is moments that give us pause and have us making a decision about something that is meant to protect us.

There are Vows that work for us in a positive way, such as a Vow you make with a Partner, to Find a Win-Win for both parties. Then there are Vows such as:

  • “It’s Not Safe to be Seen.”
  • “I Don’t Have What it Takes.”
  • “It’s Not Safe to Speak up.”
  • “Nothing Good Will Last.”

As children, when faced with a situation that causes us to feel highly stressed, we tend to make unconscious vows, such as,

  • “It’s Not Safe to Be Seen.”

We make these vows in an effort to protect ourselves from further harm, embarrassment and ridicule. It happens like this.

You’re a little kid and you’ve just hit the game winning run for your baseball team and you get home and your really excited and you run into the living room while your parents have guests over and your dirty with mud. You excited begin to express your elation over your accomplishment and instead of joining you in the excitement, one of both of your parents scolds you for dragging mud into the house.

You sink. You’ve just been publicly humiliated. It’s not that your parents are bad people. It’s even understandable they they’re irritated, but what can get downloaded in the child is guilt and shame.

So now you’ve gone from feeling happy and excited to ashamed and humiliated and in this Defining Moment, a vow likely gets installed that sounds something like this:

  • “It’s Not Safe to Be Seen.”

So you learn to cap your enthusiasm and excitement out of fear of the repercussions.

Here’s another scenario, related to the Vow this video speaking to:

  • “Nothing Good Will Last.”

You get a new toy, that you love and you’re playing with it a lot. You even sleep with it. One day you can’t find it. You have no idea what’s happened to it and you’re devastated. This toy has been your constant companion and now it’s gone and you feel lost and powerless to replace it, because you’re just a little kid and you were really attached.

If your parent says something to you as your expressing your sadness over losing the toy, like, “Well that’s what you get for not keeping track of it.” You could absolutely install a vow that says,

  • “Nothing Good Will Last.”

You might get something you want and be able to have it for a while, but at some point you could lose it and “Nothing Good Will Last.” You don’t want to go through that again, so you stop trying to get what you want and just settle and you’ll find as an adult you might be sabotaging yourself and thus staying loyal to this Vow.

In more severe circumstances, a myriad of Vows can be downloaded and you’ll stay loyal to these Vows out of self-protection. At some point, though, you’ll realize, what was meant to protect you, actual limits you.

By tapping you can begin to uncover these hidden Vows, you can actually release them and begin to get traction and move forward in your life in an area you were previously stuck.

A good Rule of Thumb for recognizing a Vow is in place is noticing that you desire a particular outcome and despite your best efforts, you can never quite get there.

A Boom and Bust Cycle in your life can definitely be an indication that you have a Vow in place. You get to a certain point financially and you’re soaring and then the Vow gets activated and you find yourself in a downward spiral and you lose your gains, this can be financially or with weight. You lose weight and feel great, but a Vow to not be noticed or seen kicks in because it’s not safe and you start putting weight back on. You get a promotion and the next thing you know you’re getting fired because a Vow to not be seen kicks in.

Things that go up and down for you, have a tendency to be bumping into a Vow. If this resonates with you, please tap along with the video included and see if anything comes up for you.

Please note: Take responsibility for yourself as you tap along with the video, strong emotions can occur. If this happens, it is important to keep tapping until any emotional charge has subsided.