I’m Madly Chasing Peace with Dina Proctor

I have the great privilege of interviewing the author of “Madly Chasing Peace – How I Went from Hell to Happy in 9 minutes a Day” on my Radio Show. Dina Proctor created what she has coined 3 x 3 Meditation and I love this. She has 3 minute guided meditations and the goal is to do them 3 times a day.

I do one before I get out of bed in the morning, one at night right after I turn out the light and one in the middle of the day. I worked my way up to 3 times a day. I just started with one a day and made that a win and it was great. I did that for 1 week and then bumped up to 2 times per day the next week and then bummed up to 3 times a day. I set small, attainable goals for myself to create personal wins.

If you find yourself setting goals that you seldom meet and then end up feeling worse about yourself because you’re caught in the Try and Fail Cycle; I recommend you set small manageable goals. I mean tiny goals if you have to. Whatever works for you to make it a win for yourself. That’s most important and then don’t forget to celebrate your wins.

If you’re anything like me, I had a tendency to set ridiculous goals and if I got honest with myself, I would have needed to hired full time staff to help me accomplish the goals I set for myself. The problem with this was when I didn’t accomplish them, I’d turn on myself with negative self talk and my self esteem would take yet another hit. It was a vicious cycle.

My hope for you, is that you can begin to set tiny goals, that you know you can attain. The way I see it, it’s exercising this atrophied goal accomplishing muscle and the best way to do that is to set little manageable goals you’ll know you can accomplish and then really celebrate your victories.

You’ll be amazed at how quickly you find you have momentum and how good you start to feel about yourself.

Just remember SAC.

  • Small
  • Attainable
  • Celebrate

Make them Small goals, that are Attainable and then don’t forget to Celebrate your wins.

Take the Big Leap – One Small Goal at a Time!
