Fabulously Flawed
What do you think would happen to you if you Really accepted yourself completely?
In fact, take it a step further….what if you could see yourself as Fabulously Flawed?
How might your life change?
I think most of us have corned the market on being hard on ourselves. Even the people you run across who come off arrogant, our actually deeply insecure and giving themselves a throttling throughout the day. They try even harder to cover up their flaws, so there’s a lot of projection that goes on. If you take on what they’re projecting, this energy transference occurs and you’ll note that you end up feeling worse about yourself, while their mood seems to be lifting. It’s as if, they take glee in the fact that they’ve gotten you to take on what they are heartily disowning in themselves. Ever had this experience?
This is another reason to begin to see yourself as Fabulously Flawed, because you are. We all are. No one get out unflawed. The more you embrace this in yourself, the more self accepting you are and the less others insensitive comments sting you. More importantly, the better you’ll find your self talk becomes and you can actually begin to laugh at your humanity and thus your flaws.
The definition of Flawed is blemished, damaged or imperfect in some way.
I can see the blemishes inside. I can be really impatient. I can overreact. I can be insensitive. I’ve given into rage.
My father was a Marine in WWII and the Korean War. He was a pilot and unfortunately suffered from PTSD long before they had a clue about it, but this rage that I downloaded as a child has helped me to save my animals on more than one occasion. One such time was my dog showed up next to me in the mountains wimping and I turned around to see four extremely interested coyotes. I knew they wanted her, so I called upon my inner rage and channeled it out in my best Momma Bear growl and the coyotes scattered.
On the outside, I see the lines that have accumulated over the years but these lines express a lot living and a lot of life experience. So are they really flaws? Most of us think so but they’re really quite fabulous.
I can see the damage. Sun damage and scars on the outside and emotional scars and emotional damage on the inside but I also see my ability to rise above these inner scars and be a far more compassionate person. So are they really flaws? They’re actually quite fabulous.
I see the imperfections. One eye is slightly lazier than the other. My fingernails are flat not curved but my friends and loved ones love that my eyes do this in photos, because to them, this is something of a trademark. I’m fabulously flawed. So what. Who isn’t?
On the flip side, I can be highly sensitive and compassionate. I can be quietly and not so quietly confident. I take care of myself physically. I love rescuing animals in need. I love helping people realize how amazing they are and I love helping people overcome their limiting beliefs and stand in a life they love. I’m a big stew of a lot of varying traits and characteristics that make me, uniquely me.
If you look at yourself….Really begin to look at yourself, my hope is that you’ll find your unique traits and characteristics that make you uniquely you. You are Fabulously Flawed and if you need help embracing this concept, I hope you tap along with me to create an opening for you to begin to fully embrace ALL that is Fabulously you.
Take the Big Leap to being Fabulously Flawed!
Former Corporate Captive