Always Make New Mistakes

Could your life feel easy if you adopted the idea that you will always make new mistakes?

Could it take some of the pressure off?

What if, you just understood, I mean really understood, that making mistakes is part of growing and learning?

If you’re like most people, you might toy around with this idea, but do you really believe that making mistakes is really okay and even more so, that it’s necessary and to be expected?

Here’s a way to test how true you believe this to be:

Say the following statement and rate it on the 0 – 10 scale.

0 – Definitely not true 10 – Definitely true

“It’s always good to make mistakes.”

How true does this statement feel for you? Notice the afterthoughts when you say it out loud. Hear what resistance comes up for you.

If you can say this statement and really believe its true… awesome.

If you say it and you notice your brain feeds you resistant thoughts about it not being okay to make mistakes, you now know what to tap on.

You don’t need to get this up to a 10 so that it’s definitely true, but you do want to get some movement in the direction of it being more true for you than not true.

When you say the statement, you want to hear yourself agree, that it really is okay to make mistakes. I used the word “good” to elicit more of the resistance that can surface.

When you begin to buy into the belief, that mistakes are okay and even possibly good, it tells you you’re on the playing field and in the game of life learning and growing.

I believe you’ll begin to see and feel lasting positive changes and you’ll even find that you can take more consistent steps in the direction of the things you really desire in your life with less static in your thoughts and less self sabotage in your actions.

If you want to do some tapping on this, tap along with the video.

Here’s the making new mistakes!! Marti