Why Is It So Hard to Change?

It’s really down to the science of the Brain.

In simplest terms, when you think a thought over and over again, you actually embed this thought into your brain more deeply. This repetitive thought creates a neuropathway that’s like a canyon in your brain. The more you think the thought, the deeper it gets.

This creates an internal set point. When you reach this set point, you will self-sabotage every time. If you have a way to interrupt your current set point, you can create a new set point that allows you to move further ahead.

This is where tapping comes in and why we state the “negative” when we tap. As you bring up the negative thoughts and you tap while stating them, you are creating a pattern interrupt to this thought and essentially this neuropathway begins to “fill-in.”

This is why you’ll notice, over time, that the more you tap on a negative statement, the less true it begins to feel.

It progresses something like this.

You state a negative thought like, “I don’t have what it takes.” You start to tap on it and it may really spike for you. You might really get emotional because it feels SO true to you, but if you keep tapping, you’ll notice it feels less true the more you tap on it. Then it just becomes a statement that has no emotional charge around it.

You have broken up this pattern of thinking.

Whenever you are trying to change and despite your best efforts, you always end up in sabotaging yourself, this is a clear indication that you have a belief in place that’s not serving you. This belief keeping you from moving forward. When you bring this belief, which comes in the form of a thought, into the open and tap on it, it loosens its grip on you. The more you tap on it, eventually it’s lets go.

When you have a tool that can assist you along your journey to creating the life you want it’s incredibly powerful. You essentially raise your set point to a higher level so you can move to this higher level.

What this can tell you, is “There’s nothing wrong with you.” It’s your internal setpoint that needs to shift. As you shift this, you have the ability to create a life you love, one belief at a time.

PHEW!!! What a relief!!
Here’s to Creating Lasting Change.