Ugh! I’m Playing It Safe Again!!!

If you’ve ever found yourself “playing it safe” and then found you’re disgruntled about this or find yourself comparing yourself to the risk-takers in the world, the attached tapping video is intended to assist you in releasing the stress that gets created when you either compare yourself to others, or tell yourself you should be more of a risk taker.

Anytime you don’t do something that you know intellectual would be good for you to do, you have a very good internal reason for not doing so and it always has to do with self protection and feeling safe.

When you were growing up, if you found yourself in a situation that didn’t feel safe, you’re survival instincts kicked in and you learned to do whatever it took to feel safe.

Here’s an example:

You come home from school and you are excited because you won your class spelling bee. You are brimming with pride and feeling really good about what you’ve accomplished. You see one of both of your parents or care-givers and you are enthusiastically recounting your “win”. Your sibling, who struggles with spelling, is standing there and one of both of your parents, say, “That’s nice dear, but no need to go on about it.”

BAM!!!! You are flat on your face and don’t even realize why.

Their desire to not have your sibling feel uncomfortable has just overshadowed your win. It’s diminished your enthusiasm and you see the face of your sibling who looks saddened that they can’t do that.

BAM!!!! Now it’s reinforced by the look on their face.

Your unconscious take away is, “It’s not safe to shine.” By your shining, both your parents, and your sibling feel uncomfortable. So you learn not to “brag” anymore and put a lid on your enthusiasm and it’s all served up to you a platter laden with guilt. GGGGreat!!!

You could also have a parent, who never realized his/her dreams. A parent who held themselves back because they got this similar treatment as a child and never moved through this.

So this same parent, who is reeling internally, when they hear about your ability to embrace your inner genius, makes a comment like,

“Don’t get too big for your britches.”

Nothing will suck the wind out of your enthusiasm sails faster than a thoughtless comment like this.

The key is to tap through the emotions that come up around this.

First check in the self-judgement and tap through this.

By starting here, you open the doorway to freeing yourself to take a chance on yourself, and still feel safe, while taking a risk and shining.

If this resonates, the attached tapping video is intended to help you open this doorway.

Here’s Taking Your Own Big Leap!!