Surrender Experiment Road Trip

Today is the day that my daughter Bailey and I head out for our Road Trip. For me, it’s The Surrender Experiment Road Trip. I’m inspired by Michael A. Singer’s book, “The Surrender Experiment.

For a long time now, I’ve had this inclination that life doesn’t have to be as hard as I make it. My business doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, intellectually at least, I’m do believe it’s supposed to be….shall I say it……EASY.

Not been my experience often, but I do have those moments when things seem to flow without any EFFORT on my part.

So I decided to turn this Road Trip into my experiment with Surrendering to what Life puts in front of me. I feel fortunate to have tapping as a tool literally at my fingertips to help me release any resistance that rears it’s head.

I have no idea if this will work, or how it will turn out, thus The Experiment part.

I’m thinking if it worked for Michael Singer, then it can work for me. It’s just up to me to notice when I’m getting in my own way and then move through this.

And so it begins.

I’ve made a Facebook page, called The Surrender Experiment Road Trip. I have no idea what I might post on it, but I surrendered to the inspiration to make this page and utilize it for this.

If you’re curious to join myself and my daughter on this journey and experiment, you can join us at: Facebook

I’m curious as to how this will unfold and how perfect, that I’ve already had my first chance to Surrender to what life is putting in front of me. You can watch the video if you’re curious.