Self-Love is the Greatest Middle Finger of All

Join host Marti Murphy as she talks about “Why don’t more of us really love ourselves?”

Simply put, We’ve been trained to believe that love comes to us from outside of ourselves instead of being one who loves. There’s big difference.

If we need someone else to give us love, they will always disappoint us. However, if we learn to give it to ourselves first and then allow love to flow to others, we begin to love the way we love. This is powerful!

I invite you to join me for two free calls I have coming up called Practicing Self-Love.

Could you use a simple yet powerful way to practice more self-love going into the holiday?

Call Details:

Call #1 Practicing Self-love
DATE: Wednesday, December 13th
TIME: 5:00pm EST, 4:00pm CST, 3:00pm MST, 2:00pm PST,
10:00 pm GMT, 9:00 am Sydney, Australia, 6:00 am in Perth, Australia

Call #2 Practicing Self-love
DATE: Friday, December 15th
TIME: 12Noon EST, 11:00am CST, 10:00am MST, 9:00am PST,
5:00 pm GMT and you don’t want to know in Australia. Just saying.

Call in information:
U.S. 712-770-4160 ACCESS CODE is 905594 for ALL
In Canada, dial 206-451-6125 first then the US number
For International Numbers