Quick Pick-Me-Up Technique (Better Than Coffee)

Here’s a Quick Pick-Me-Up Technique that’s more effective than coffee. (Some may disagree.)

I’ve been practicing this technique from Abraham-Hicks and it’s really effective.

You want to be in at least a semi-good mood, meaning if you’re really down in the dumps, honor that and then Tap That Sh*t Out first and then come back and try this.

Here’s the Process:

1) Do this before you go to sleep – That way your better feelings get to ruminate throughout your subconscious while you sleep.

2) Choose something in your surroundings – a flower pot, a photo, a painting, a lamp, your dog or cat.

3) Practice Appreciation – Notice all things you can appreciate about it. The color, shape, what it adds to you room and to you, where it came from, etc.

4) Appreciate Your Improved Mood – When you notice your mood is elevated. Start to appreciate that. Notice how you feel better. You might even be smiling. You’re going to bed feeling good.

5) Choose another something – if you like and then follow this same process for 10 -15 minutes.

You are practicing allowing more good into your life. Then just see what comes to from this. The more you practice this, the more you’ll begin to do it throughout your day naturally. With a lot more ease.

Try this for 21 days and see how you feel and what shows up for you.

Here’s to You
