My Surrender Experiment Road Trip

I’m reading a great book that was recommended to me called “The Surrender Experiment” by Michael Singer. It’s the biography of Michael Singer’s experiment in surrendering to what life puts on his path.

I’ve been pondering this idea for a long time and lo and behold this book is recommended to me and I love it. It’s the classic old adage,

“When the student is ready, the teacher appears.”

So I’ve decided to conduct my own surrender experiment and see what life has in store for me. This is not easy for someone whose spent the better part of their life being a planner. (Hint: It’s safer for me that way, or so I’ve thought.)

I’ve been practicing surrendering.

This is one of the things that I love about this book. He’s so honest about his own resistance and how he works himself threw it and the time it takes him to get out of his own way gets shorter each time.

So about my Surrender Experiment Road Trip.

My daughter Bailey and I are leaving on Friday, July 24th for a two week road trip to Central and Northern California and I thought this would be My Surrender Experiment Road Trip and practicing Surrender and documenting what transpires and sharing my experience.

It’s put a whole new slant on this road trip and I’m excited to see what comes of it. Maybe nothing will seem different or maybe everything will or an anything in between these two options.

More than anything for me, it’s my practice of surrendering more and more in life, because planning and control have been my constant companions as a way to combat a tumultuous upbringing that left me feeling quite insecure.

I remember watching an old John Cusack movie called The Sure Thing where Daphne Zuniga’s character says, “There’s a time and a place for spontaneity.” I had to laugh when I heard that, because this statement seemed to epitomize my way of being.

I’ve gotten a lot better about this over the years, but I like to think My Surrender Experiment Road Trip will be a practice in allowing more, what I’ll call, Higher Guidance in my life. The great thing is my daughters totally up for this, so we may both have quite an experience. I’ll definitely share mine.

So if you’re feeling like your work life or personal life, or both aren’t where you’d like them to be, I invite you to consider this idea of surrender and ponder what it means to you and notice what feelings come up for you around this and what resistance might show up.

I’ll let you know how it goes for me.

Michael Singer’s tag line for The Surrender Experiment is “my journey into life’s perfection.”

I like this and I’m excited to see how my journey goes. I have both a literally journey simultaneously with an inner journey.

Here’s to Taking the Big Leap and surrendering to life perfection. It’s definitely a big leap for me.
