How to “Snap Out of It” …Gently!!

Do you ever get into an emotional space that you don’t want to be in and you find yourself saying some variation of, “Snap out of it.”

I love the movie Moonstruck and the scene when Nicholas Cage’s character tells Cher’s character that he’s in love with her and she slaps him twice and tells him to “Snap out of it.”

I think it’s a funny scene and yet I also see that this is often the way we treat ourselves.

Next time you find yourself in that emotional space you’d rather snap out of. Notice how you talk to yourself about it. If you find that you’re slapping yourself with your inner dialogue, then try one of the techniques I talk about in the attached video to “shift” your energy from a less hostile place.

We live in a world that prides itself on pushing through resistance, but if you really look at the result of this behavior, it may help you to feel a sense of relief that you “accomplished” something, but at what price to your self worth.

I suspect if you really pay attention, behind the feeling of accomplishment there’s likely some chipping away at your self-esteem, because you had to PUSH yourself through to your desired result.

What I am finding, is the shifting my state of mind by dealing directly with what’s underneath my resistance and then “gently” releasing the resistance, I have a much more well rounded, affirming outcome that actually allows my self esteem to rise instead of walking around with the belief that the next time I feel upset or I’m in an emotional place I’d rather not be in, I’m far more self accepting which leads to growing my self esteem.

Try it out for yourself and notice if there’s any difference for you. The next time you find you’d rather not be where you’re at emotional, practice some of the tapping or in the moment techniques to deal directly with your resistance and notice how much different you feel. Then try, pushing yourself through a feeling and see how that feels. I suspect you’ll find the former gives your far better, lasting results and you get to feel really good about yourself in the process.

Here’s to Taking Your Own Big Leap!!!!