Dealing with Challenging People

Have you ever hung up the phone with someone or read an email and wished you had a punching bag you could let your frustrations out on?

You know those people that are hard challenging to deal with?

They can be our greatest teachers, but I’m firm believer that you have to allow for your genuine feelings first; not the feelings you’ve deemed appropriate. If you tell yourself you shouldn’t feel something or go to making excuses for someone too quickly without dealing with your real feelings, you’ll end up even more upset and tapping is an amazing tool to utilize to assist you in really giving your feelings, whatever they are, full flower first.

This is really liberating

Most of us have been trained to believe that there are appropriate and inappropriate feelings and you better put a lid on your inappropriate feelings. What happens is you end up never really dealing with them in an effective way and then they’re guaranteed to leak out in really inappropriate ways; from taking them out on someone you love or a stranger via something as crazy as road rage.

When you’re dealing with someone who’s challenging to deal with, you can utilize tapping to assist you in effectively dealing with your feelings, whatever they are.

If this resonates with you watch and tap along with my video.
