The Magic of Doing What You Love

I spent decades in Corporate America playing the game and though I did well in that arena and learned how to navigate through it, I always felt there was something else I should be doing.

From this place, I tried a myriad of “outside interests”, like Travel School, Photography (which I still love), screenwriting (I wrote a screenplay once and came in a finalist in a contest), Network Marketing, Insurance, Bikram Yoga, (I almost bought a studio) yet despite these “hobbies” (that I truly hoped would turn into something real) I kept plugging away in Corporate America.

It was my uncomfortable comfort zone.

Despite many valiant efforts at these other ventures, I would always hit a wall of sorts and then just give up.

Enter Tapping. For the first time in my life, I started noticing true lasting change and real positive movement forward. I had no intention of this becoming the work I’d end up loving, but it did.

So, one more time, I started a journey, yet it felt different this time. This time I noticed I was moving past things that would have taken me out before. As I started to move more fully into this work, I had a desire to go international and do workshops.

Well, the magic has happened. I leave at the end of this week to head to London, then Amsterdam. My mentor is doing a workshop in London and then myself and a colleague are doing a workshop in Amsterdam. It’s a first for us both and it’s a beginning.

Each step I have taken along this path, has led me one step closer to many new aspects to my business and in the past, I would have become overwhelmed when I would start something new and then ultimately give up.

I’m not giving up now. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other and when I feel resistance, I tap through that and take another step. All of these little steps have added up to Taking My Own Big Leap.

We have to learn to Step before we can Walk, Walk before we can Run, and Run before we can Leap and the Magic happens.

So as you venture into the new and unknown. The simplest way to do so to avoid overwhelm and self sabotage, is to take a step, tap through any resistance that surfaces and make sure you get the support you need. My coach has been invaluable to me and I’ve had more than one for various parts of this journey.

It took me 4 years to leave my day job, but when I did, it was definitely Taking the Big Leap and I’m glad I have. I’m also thrilled to know that I have tools in my tool box that help me keep moving forward into more Magic.

Here’s to Taking the Big Leap and to Magic!!!
