From Paycheck to Passion – Video 4, Bonus Video

Go to Video #1

You’re exploring and you’ll likely fall into one of these two categories.

  1. You loved your current work at one time, and you’re really not interested in changing at this stage of the game, yet you’ve lost your passion for it.
  2. You know you want to move on from what you’re currently doing but you’re not ready to let go of your current work yet. You want to get your ducks in a row in a way you feel good about.

So how do you bring more joy and fulfillment back into what you’re currently doing, either while you’re transitioning or to rekindle your passion.

It’s really a matter of what you focus on.

What happened for me is after my initial excitement about discovering what I wanted to do, I went through a stage of frustration. Now that I knew what I wanted to do and was taking the steps to get myself there, I grew impatient with my progress. I began to work so hard that I was not having joy in building my business or on the job. The thought occurred to me that I needed to shift my focus.

I was so hell bent on leaving the work I didn’t want anymore that it all felt like a lot of HARD WORK. It became clear to me that instead of having my focus be moving away from work I didn’t want anymore it would serve me a lot better to focus on moving into work that I loved, work that was meaningful to me.

The tremendous upside of this shift in focus, is that I began to find all the things about my “day job” that I liked and I began to do it better, be more productive and positive and create better results, all while moonlighting at my business. It definitely became a win-win.

If you fall into the category of wanting to rekindle your passion for your current work, it’s really the same thing. Some where a long the way you began to shift your focus to the things that aren’t working for you.

When you begin to tap through your resistance, your focus will naturally begin to move back towards what you love about your work and guess what you get more of?

More of the things you love.

I’ve included a bonus video with some tapping. Tap along and see what happens for you and as always, take responsibility for yourself when tapping.

Here’s the shifting your focus!!!