From Paycheck to Passion – Video 2

Do You Put Limits on Your Dreams?

If there were no limits on you and you were doing the work that was meaningful to you, that you loved….what would that look like?

What would you like your life to look like 12 months from now? (See attached form.)

When I used to do exercises like this, I noticed that I was being “realistic.”

Code for putting limits on myself and ultimately giving up on myself again.

Do you think you do this?

You might not even notice. I didn’t for the longest time. I thought I was being “realistic.”

The downside of being “realistic,” is that before you even begin, you are creating a box for yourself with Four walls, and a top and a bottom. (Probably a padlock as well.) This is the reality you begin to live in.

When you do this, you close yourself off from expanding. This is true for any and all areas of your life. When you start out with limits in place, you limit your dreams and thus limit what is possible in you.

I spent decades being “realistic.”

Even when I’d have moments of expansion, I could never sustain it, because behind the scenes, where I couldn’t see, I was operating with limiting beliefs in place that profoundly inhibited my ability to expand. I would eventually bump up against a limiting belief and before I knew it. I was back in my box shutting the lid on myself.

In Video 2, I’m tapping through the idea that it feels impossible to reach your dreams. The idea is to create a crack in your resistance about what’s possible for you.

If you want to play with this, print out the attached form before you watch the video. This is to help you get an idea as to whether or not you limit your dreams, and also to see how possible or impossible it might feel for you to actually manifest what you want in your life. It’s important to get your personal rating to see if you can get some movement in any resistance you may feel.

Go to Video #3

Here’s to what’s Possible!!