The Doom of Doubt – I Have a Confession to Make

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.”Suzy Kassem

Can I get a Seriously on this one?


I understand that doubt stops you from creating what you want, but….

What the hell are you supposed to do if you have doubt?

This is a question I’ve pondered on more than one occasion.

I have tapped on my doubt, read books on how to release doubt and listened to Abraham-Hicks on how to deal with my doubting mind, until I’m quoting them in my sleep.

For God’s sake, I learned all about Doubting Thomas in Catholic School. (Poor guy)

Did you know he’s actually in the dictionary?

doubting Thomas

  1. a person who is skeptical and refuses to believe something without proof.

Come on now!!

This would fit, accept I don’t like doubting myself or my abilities.

I don’t WANT to doubt. I really don’t.

I realize that I stayed locked into a highly ineffective place in my life for years.

Who am I kidding? For freaking decades…where I’ve felt plagued by doubt.

This is my story, and if you struggle with doubt or any emotion that seems to linger as yourself the following question:

When you find yourself plagued by doubt which can certainly lead to fear….do you really WANT to doubt? At least consciously.

I think it’s fair to say, your answer would be “No.”

In fact, I’ll creep out on a limb here and say, when you feel doubt it’s troublesome for you. You don’t like it or want it. Right?

I’ll stay out on this limb to say that I think you would love to release feelings of doubt. At least from your rational mind.

Here’s the thing:

It’s not your fault. Really!! It’s Not. And here’s why.

Somewhere, long ago, in a land and time far away from now, you got programmed to doubt yourself and your abilities. You were likely surrounded by people who we also got programmed to doubt themselves and their abilities.

So whose fault is all of this?

What if, that is a question that doesn’t need an answer?

Really. It doesn’t. What if, it’s just good to be aware that you got programmed for doubt throughout your life, in many ways?

And….Drum roll please!!!

What if, you can begin to reprogram the CELLS in your brain and your body towards trust, faith, self-confidence, even self-assurance?

Would that be AMAZING?

What if, within 60 Days you will start to notice a difference in the way you’re thinking and this improves the way your feeling?

What if, you can be supported for 60 Days to Rewire ~ Renew ~ Revive Your Brain so that you are more trusting, self-confident and self-assured about what you’re capable of?

In other words….you start to notice that you feel “less doubt” and then this spills into feeling more hopeful, and more confident?

What if, you can be encouraged to notice more and more “little wins.”

And by noticing and anchoring in these wins, it helps you to build momentum towards finally feeling good and feeling more consistently capable of managing your emotions?

And what if a bonus of this practice is that you’re able to design and then actually create what you really want in your life. No matter what it is that you want.

Can I get WOO-FREAKING-HOO here?

I’m on a mission or let’s say I’m starting a revolution….

….to help as many people as possible to to release the doubt and fear that keeps them from designing the life they want.

I know how stuck I’ve felt in my life and I notice how focusing daily, and I’m fast approaching 60 day, on releasing doubt and fear is really changing what’s starting to show up for me. I certainly know I feel a lot better and I’m better able to move myself through more challenging emotions more quickly.

If you’re intrigued, I invite you to join me and some really amazing people who are on a mission to change their lives as well.

Click Here for details on:
A 60 Day Accelerated Program

I’d love to have you join a powerful group of amazing people who have this same desire so that you too can create a revolution from within and design a life you love, one thought at a time.

Here’s to Breaking-Free to Design a Life You Love,
