Weight Tapping for Feeling Like a Food Addict Tapping for Feeling Like a Food Addict – For when you feel addicted to food. $1.29 Buy Now
Weight Tapping for Feeling Ugly and Unattractive Tapping for When You’re Feeling Ugly and Unattractive – For when you’re feeling really unattractive to ease these feelings. $1.29 Buy Now
Weight Tapping for When You Feel Constantly Criticized Tapping for When You Feel Constantly Criticized – For when you do or did feel criticized often. $1.29 Buy Now
Weight Tapping for I Blew It Tapping for I Blew It – For when you believe you blew and the days a bomb. $1.29 Buy Now
Weight Tapping for Wanting to Give Up on Weight Loss Tapping for when you want to give up losing weight – When you really feel done trying to lose weight. $1.29 Buy Now
Weight Tapping for Self-Rejection Tapping for Self-Rejection – For when you catch yourself rejecting yourself and your body and behavior. $1.29 Buy Now
Weight Tapping for Dealing with Doubt This Will Change Tapping for Dealing with Doubt This Will Change – To Release Doubt that you’ll ever succeed at losing weight. $1.29 Buy Now
Doubt, Inner Conflict, Weight Tapping for Feeling Conflicted When you have an inner conflict and feel stuck. $1.29 Buy Now