Tapping for Busyness

Do you ever find yourself repeating a pattern that is just not working for you, yet you feel you’re like a moth heading to the flame? You know it’s not going to go well for you, but there you are moving in that direction anyway. I know I have.

I used to think something was wrong with me. Despite my best efforts, I just couldn’t seem to get any long term traction with moving forward into new and better behaviors for myself and everyone else involved. I’d be able to adjust temporarily, but inevitably I would shift back to my old pattern and feel even more defeated and gain more evidence that something was wrong with me.

A recent session I did with another Practitioner on my issues in this department really made a difference. I’ve noticed that since I cleared some heavy baggage around my feeling repeatedly victimized by the whims of others, I haven’t been as affected by others behavior. I’m able to pause, and take a breathe, before I head down the hole of reacting which has yet to get me the results I want. Honoring myself with a pause, allows my adult, competent self to remain in charge. I’ve come to realize that younger, more fearful, part of me is still there, but she’s not running the show. This is so refreshing. Next time you find yourself reacting strongly to a situation, ask yourself who’s running the show and how old do you feel. It’s a way to pause, check-in and regroup and give time to get in touch with a younger version of ourselves that tends to take over, if we’re not being aware.

Being an EFT Practitioner, working with others, never ceases to amaze me. It’s like being an explorer, only we’re exploring the mind with all it’s memories and emotions. The goal in affectively removing a strong emotional charge, is to get as specific as possible as well as get to the earliest possible memory that’s associated with a particular charge. When I facilitate with my clients, most everyone is dealing in general terms. In other words, they may have a strong emotional charge about someone or something, but can’t seem to pinpoint it’s origin or have a recent memory that’s triggered a strong emotional charge for them. Enter EFT. I start with the general and let the practice of tapping do the natural chunking down to a more specific memory. It doesn’t matter how many times I do this, I’m still amazed and have yet to lose my wonder in regards to the power of EFT. People will always tend to have an early childhood memory that surfaces that is typically the root cause of the strong emotion they’re currently feeling.

I believe our minds are incredibly powerful and protective of us. I believe if we’re not ready to face something, it won’t come forward and if we are, it will make itself known to us, so we can heal it.

A number of my clients have told me that after just one session they’ll notice that memories seem to floating through for days. Memories they’ve forgotten about or couldn’t recall. For myself, I feel the memories can be like popcorn kernels that have heated up and start popping. It’s as if the EFT session creates a crack in our resistance and allows for the flow of information that we need to heal. This certainly hasn’t happened for all of my clients, but it has for many of them. I experienced this myself after I started tapping. I would be washing the dishes and some memory I didn’t even remember would flow through my mind.

It’s recommended that we make EFT part of our daily routine, much like brushing our teeth. I once had a yoga instructor tell me, 20 to 30 minutes every day will do more for you than an hour every now and then. With EFT, the time invested can be 5-10 minutes daily or when something comes to mind that you feel you need to tap on.

Focus when practicing EFT is also, very important. When we honor ourselves enough to give ourselves the space to focus on the issue at hand and really stay present for it, our healing will move so much faster. I’m not a believer in the “No pain, no gain” theory, but you can feel strong emotions when practicing EFT, and emotions can even spike, but this is a really good thing. It means we’re reaching a core emotion and once we tap through it, we tend to feel lasting relief.

Enough said. If you’re skeptical, don’t worry. Many have gone before you down this road and ended up true believers. I was a skeptic about almost anything that had to do with energy and yet it’s amazing because I had people practices various energy techniques and despite my deep skepticism, they all worked for me. I came to the conclusion that there must be something to this energy stuff and here I am a Certified EFT Practitioner. I wouldn’t have believed when I was first introduced to techniques in this field. If it works for me, I believe it can work for you as well. I’m including a tapping video for you to work with and test it out and see what happens for you.