Step 5 – Pull It Together

Now that you have these steps to start rewiring your brain, how can you pull them all together to effect positive lasting change.

There’s a double meaning here in the title of this step. This was often what the Bully in My Brain said to me. “Pull it together, Marti” or some variation. News Flash.… I would have if I could have. It never helped to be hard on myself. It was a powerful habit I had in place.

First let’s review the last four videos.

Step 1 – Notice Your Thoughts – Practice noticing your thoughts. You can’t change what you’re unconscious to.

Step 2 – Whose Running Your Show – Is it the Bully, Child, Higher Self/Healthy Adult Self that talking to you? The exercise for this step can be eye opening.

Step 3 – Getting All Your Senses Involved – VAK Style of Learning. This is all about retraining your brain.

  • Visual – Sight – Seeing what you’re writing down.
  • Auditory – Sound – Hearing when you speak the statements out loud.
  • Kinesthetic – Touch – Writing in your journal.

Step 4 – Getting Clear on Your Value – Really begin to own your skills, talents and abilities. When you become truly congruent with your value you’ll begin to embody all that you have to offer and you elevate your confidence.

Step 5 – Pull It Together – By utilizing these simple steps and practicing them consistently, and building into them in whatever way creates little daily wins for you, you will be amazed at how you start to notice the subtle changes that are taking place in your life.

First you’ll likely notice the old behaviors that you aren’t doing any more that didn’t serve you.

As an example, the first thing I noticed about three months into tapping regularly as I noticed my thoughts more and more and tapped through my resistance… I had stopped comparing myself to others.

I had a debilitating habit of making ridiculously out of balance comparisons with… get this… super famous people… like movie stars and I’ve never wanted to become one, so you can imagine how big I’d lose that comparison. It was always an epic loss and I found myself free of this behavior.

Then you start to notice the new and improved behaviors you have that are taking the place of your old behaviors as you continue to clear them out.

As an example, I would get incredible opportunities handed to me. In the past I would have ended up sabotaging myself. I began to follow through successfully with these opportunities. I was showing up for myself.

If you can build into doing these exercises and tapping through any resistance that surfaces, I believe you’re going to see much of the same begin to happen for you.

Small subtle changes all add up to big lasting changes.

I hope you’ve found this series helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

It’s been great hearing from those of you about how these exercises have been helpful.

Here’s to taking little daily steps to creating a life you love in all areas.