It’s Impossible to Change This

Do you have something in your life that you’ve tried to change and despite you’re best efforts….

EVEN your best Tapping efforts, you can’t seem to get traction on it?

Does this leave you feeling hopeless and frustrated because you’re virtually, holding your breath, waiting for this to change, and deep down you’re convinced it’s impossible to change this?

Have you ever felt this way?

Do you feel this way now?

Here’s a way to test whether or not you have a belief in place that’s not allowing you to really create the change you desire for yourself.

Think about “that thing” that you want to change. Really try to feel into it. Call to mind all the different things, you’ve tried, all the money you’ve spent, all the time you’ve put into trying to change it. Anything and everything, that you’ve done to create the shift.

Now think about where you’re at right now. This “thing” is still there. It’s still in your life. You’re still struggling with it.

Notice how you feel about this.

What is the emotion that’s surfacing for you? There may be many emotions.

Now say this statement out loud and rate how true this feels for you on a 0 – 10 scale. 10 being totally true, 0 being not at all true.

It’s impossible to change this.

How true is this for you?

If it feels true for you on any level, let’s look deeper.

Now finishing this sentence with whatever pops into your head.

It’s impossible to change this because……

What comes to mind?

It’s impossible because I would have done it by now.

It’s impossible because it feels this way.

It’s impossible because I don’t know why, it just is.

What’s your answer?

Whatever your answer is this to is important. Now call to mind the emotion that’s surfacing and rate that as well. If it’s shame, then rate our strong the feeling of shame is on the 0 – 10 scale.

10 = Extremely Strong, 0 = Not at all Strong.

Now here’s what you want I recommend you tap on.

Always take responsibility for yourself:

1. Argue Tap on the statement It’s Impossible to Change and then state the opposite. It’s not impossible.

Just keeping going back and forth in the following way and just tap through the points starting at the eyebrow

It’s impossible to change this. No it’s not.

It’s impossible to change this. No it’s not.

This will never change. Yes it will.

No it won’t. Yes it will.

I can’t change this. Yes I can. No I can’t.

Keep doing this, until you start to laugh about this. It may take a while or even a few days, but just keep at it and you will get there.

Rate the statement again: It’s impossible to change this.

Has it gone down in intensity? Has it gone up?

Keep tapping until you feel relief….meaning the number has gone down or you just feel lighter when you say the statement.

Also rate the emotion attached this and see how it’s changed.

Argue Tapping brings the inner conflict out in the open and it will begin to seem silly and even funny if you argue tap on it long enough.

Always take responsibility for yourself:

2. Now go to your answer to the statement It’s impossible to change because….

Whatever your answer is to this, I recommend you Argue Tap this in the same way.

Call to mind your rating of this statement.

Let’s go with this answer as an example:

It’s impossible to change because there’s something wrong with me. What if there’s nothing wrong with me?

Oh there’s definitely something wrong with me.

No there’s not. Yes there is. No there’s not. Yes there is.

And again, keep doing this until it starts to feel silly and even funny to you.

Then rate the statement and the emotion attached to it again. Notice how this statement softens over time. When you notice it softening, you will begin to notice you can begin to see changes in what’s possible for you with this.

I’m a huge fan of Argue Tapping. It’s a powerful tapping technique when you have a conflict, or a belief that feels rock solid to you, so just keep on tapping.

This is a great place to start whenever it feels impossible to change anything you’re trying to change.

Give yourself credit for whatever the shift is you feel, and then keep building from there.

Here’s to You!!!
