I Have to Struggle, Suffer and Work Hard

  • Have you ever felt like your life, work or business is really a struggle?
  • Do you find you can get caught in the energy of suffering?
  • Do you believe you have to work really hard to have what you want in life?

How often have you identified with being someone who’s hard-working?

How often have you heard this about someone else?

Here’s a quick exercise:

Rate each of the following statements on a 0 – 10 Scale:

10 = Definitely True 0 = Definitely Not True

  1. My life is a struggle.
  2. My work is a struggle.
  3. I work really hard for what I have in my life.
  4. I’ve suffered in my life.

Once you have your ratings, ask yourself which ones you would like to shift.

Say the following statement out loud and notice how you feel.

What if, the only thing that’s standing in my way of releasing the struggle, or the suffering or the idea that I have to work really hard is the belief that any of these are true?

Notice whether or not you believe this statement. I recommend tapping on the above statement and see how you’re feelings shift.

What if, you learned to believe these ideas because it’s what you saw modeled growing up?

I can picture my father saying to me, “You have to struggle in this life, to have a great afterlife.” I was about 10 years old and I remember thinking, “That sucks. So the purpose of this life is to suffer, so I can go sit on cloud and play a harp when I die.”

This is what I heard over and over again, at home, in school and at church. Some part of me, believed this couldn’t be possible, but the part of me that needed to be loyal to my father told me I needed to be agreeable, because, after all, “Father knows best.”

When you’re a child, you unconsciously want to be loyal to your parents or caregivers.You need them to be right because if they aren’t right, your safety is threatened.

If, however, you were raised by very open-minded human beings that encouraged you to believe that you have a vast resource of information within you that’s already installed, then you are well ahead of the game.

I’ve found, most of the people I know, didn’t have this kind of upbringing.

So you tend to adopt and embody the programing that was handed down through your family lineage. It’s about de-programing the beliefs that don’t serve your expansion.

Tapping is a highly effective way to uncover and release hidden beliefs about struggle, suffering and hard work.

Say the following statements out loud and notice how you feel.

What if, as you begin to release the belief that you have to work really hard to get what you want in life, that struggle is part of life or that suffering is part of life, you begin to experience different ways to get what you want in life that have nothing to do with working hard, suffering or struggling?

What if, it’s possible that, there is a better way?

I invite you to tap along with me on the video and see if something shifts for you, even just a little bit. If it can shift a little, it can ultimately shift a lot and you can end up with a different result in your life. You can feel more possibility for your life and this allows you to create a better life for yourself.

Here’s to what’s possible!!!