Category: From Ranting to Raving

The Greatest Narcissist of All

Coming to terms with the fact that you’re dealing with a narcissist can be both frightening and liberating at the same time. It’s frightening from the standpoint of as you learn more about narcissism, you may feel trapped, yet it can be liberating to understand how you ended up with a narcissist. It really takes self blame out of the… Read more »

Releasing Shame – Liberate Yourself To Be Adored

“Shame corrodes the very part of us that believes we are capable of change.” Brene Brown What if the opposite of shame is being adored… by yourself? Join host Marti Murphy as she walks you through an exercise to uncover shame you may be carrying and how to begin to liberate yourself from shame so that you free the feelings… Read more »

I Need a Hug…e Amount of Money

Would you sometimes just love a Hug when you’re dealing with money. Of course, a HUGE amount of money would clean up most financial woes, but here’s the thing…. Have you heard of people that get a HUGE amount of money and then it’s gone? What do you think would happen with you I you received a HUGE windfall of… Read more »

Money Talks, but Mine Only Knows How to Say Good-Bye

Would you like to learn how to create an empowered relationship with money by giving yourself a money relationship makeover? Let’s start here with a Money Relationship Makeover: What is your current relationship with money? What is the story you tell yourself about money that creates your relationship with money? What is your potent truth about money? You might be… Read more »

Working Through Burnout – How to Not TRY to Achieve Balance

Join Host Marti Murphy for a really interesting way to look at overcoming burnout and how NOT to TRY to achieve balance. Giovanna Rossi is the President and CEO of Collective Action Strategies, LLC, a consulting firm dedicated to improving the lives of women and families through strategic planning, management, and communications. Giovanna is also the Founder of Well Woman… Read more »

Self-Love is the Greatest Middle Finger of All

Join host Marti Murphy as she talks about “Why don’t more of us really love ourselves?” Simply put, We’ve been trained to believe that love comes to us from outside of ourselves instead of being one who loves. There’s big difference. If we need someone else to give us love, they will always disappoint us. However, if we learn to… Read more »

Free Your Life From Relationship Drama

Join Marti Murphy as she talks about her Free Preview call to kick off The Empowered Relationship Tapping Club. To learn more about how we’ve all been taught faulty solutions for relationship issues. This group is intended to assist you clearing up your relationship drama so that you can free yourself to create what you desire for your life. You… Read more »

Effective Business Communication with Heart with Crista Benavidez

Join Host Marti Murphy for an Interview with CEO – Crista Benavidez as she talks about her work in helping companies (made up of humans) build highly effective communication. This interview will help you whether you’re in business or not. CRISTA F. BENAVIDEZ is an internationally recognized speaker specializing in interpersonal communication, a. k. a “soft skills,” and organizational learning.… Read more »

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