21 Days to Creating Harmonious Relationships – Making the Impossible Possible

You know that person in your life that is so hard to love?

Do your friends agree that this person needs to change? How about:

Do you think this person needs to change? (And do your friends agree?)

Do you feel powerless to change the dynamics between you?

I felt this way for decades. I was stuck in a cycle, time after time, believing that if I could just get them to see the error of their ways, things would work out and I’d be okay.

One time when I was lamenting to a friend about a boyfriend she said to me:

“You have no idea how powerful you are.”

“You’ve always had the power, my dear. You just had to learn it for yourself.” Glinda the Good Witch

Apparently, I had a lot more learning to do. I had to keep bumping my head for a while until I began to get it.

Even if it doesn’t feel like it now, true freedom is within you.

You can empower yourself to change any relationship dynamic.

You’ve always had the power. You just weren’t shown how.

I didn’t understand this at the time, but I do now.

Join Marti Murphy for 21 Days to Creating Harmonious Relationships – Making the Impossible Possible

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